  • - Refine the performance of any activity
  • - Enhance kinesthetic sense
  • - Improve posture and breathing
  • - Find relief from pain and tension
  • - Increase relaxation
  • - Recover from injury
  • - Break habits that interfere with healing
  • - Increase in consciousness
Alexander Technique
  • Refine your kinesthetic experience to refine:
  • - Your golf swing
  • - Your running form
  • - Your riding balance
  • - Any activity that you love
  • - Gain more control and ease
Alexander Technique
Performing Arts
  • - Break free of limiting habitual movement patterns
  • - Enjoy a relaxed and lively presence
  • - Develop agility and authenticity
  • - Enhance authenticity
  • - Loosen tight neck and jaw
Alexander Technique
Physical Benefits
  • - Avoid or reduce unnecessary stress and pain
  • - Relieve states of depression and anxiety
  • - Reduce various musculoskeletal disorders
  • - Make changes in habitual movement patterns
  • - Improve general flexibility, balance and bearing
  • - Restore maximal movement abilities and function
  • - Retrain many different movement patterns.

  • Feel better and move in a more relaxed and comfortable way.
  • Identify and lose the harmful habits you have built up over a lifetime of stress.
  • Feel more comfortable in your own body
  • Learn to move more freely.

Private Lessons

The Alexander Technique is primarily taught in private hourly sessions called lessons. During a private lesson, the teacher will guide the student through activities such as sitting and standing with gentle hands on and verbal guidance. The student may lie on a table for part of the lesson while the teacher improves the coordination of her head, neck, back and limbs, and then return to work with sitting, standing, speaking, or any other activities that the student wants to address. In between lessons, students are encouraged to observe the way they use themselves throughout the day, and to practice a lying down procedure which helps to expand self-awareness.

Office Hours for Private Lessons
Office Hours by appointment
617-413-3308 or
Tuesday - Manchester -by - the - Sea, MA at Manchester Healing Arts Center, Manchester, MA
Thursday & Friday - Gloucester
Saturday at 28 Junction Sq. W. Concord

For information about introductory lecture/demonstrations and/or group classes, please join our email list.



For more information, complete directions, call 617-413-3308 or email